Hi. I’m Sarah Palin. There is an oil pipeline in Alaska. That makes me America’s foremost energy expert.
Oh, wait. She really is saying that.
Seems like a massive conflict of interests to me, considering that a lot of us would REALLY like to see a shift away from such 'tunnel vision' dependence on petroleum products ACROSS THE BOARD...
How could she possibly help with this cause considering Alaska receives such great benefits by doing business in oil (no income taxes, etc. etc. whatever it might be- you can be guaranteed no one that lives there is interested in giving up those benefits, and a fellow citizen & representative there- how could she possibly ever 'go to bat' for the rest of us? I'm voting for Obama, obviously (still have reservations- but FAR fewer, so, yep, that's it!)
Just another mediocre mind who thanks Sarah for fighting to break down the barriers which once confined the intellectually average to middle management and reality tv.
Seems like a massive conflict of interests to me, considering that a lot of us would REALLY like to see a shift away from such 'tunnel vision' dependence on petroleum products ACROSS THE BOARD...
How could she possibly help with this cause considering Alaska receives such great benefits by
doing business in oil (no income taxes, etc. etc. whatever it might be- you can be guaranteed no one that lives there is interested in giving up those benefits, and a fellow citizen & representative there- how could she possibly ever 'go to bat' for the rest of us? I'm voting for Obama, obviously (still have reservations- but FAR fewer, so, yep, that's it!)
PS I'm sad her name is Sarah.
Oh, I didn't know there was a pipeline there. I'm definitely voting McCain now.
I can see Jersey from my roof. That means I know EVERYTHING about Jersey. Or somethin like that...
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